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Helping Kids with ADHD

#1 Get a consultation. You can book an online consultation with a developmental and behavioral pediatrician! The pediatrician may refer to therapists and other professionals, and may also prescribe medication if needed.

#2 Have a structured home environment.

  • Establish a predictable routine of activities.

  • Have a visual schedule.

  • Help your child organize his or her things by assigning where to put them.

#3 Provide a structured work system

  • Away from visual and auditory distractions

  • With good or natural lighting

  • Provide storage areas for needed supplies to help with organization

  • Have the work area near someone who can support the child (like a parent, caregiver or teacher).

  • Have a timer to help the child maintain attention, and to help transition from one activity to another.

#4 Use Behavioral Strategies

  • Notice and encourage positive behavior, instead of focusing on negative behavior.

  • Decide on rewards and consequences beforehand, and be consistent.

    • Rewards for good behavior can include physical affection, encouragement of efforts, doing a desired activity, or extra privileges or treats.

    • Consequences for poor behavior can include a temporary loss of privileges.

  • Use time outs positively and not as a punishment. Time out allows a child to calm down, reflect, and “reset” the brain.

#5 Find a buddy (friend or older sibling) who can be your child’s role model.

#6 If your child’s doctor prescribes medicine, don’t be afraid to have your child take it. Medication can help behavioral management strategies work better.

#7 Make sure your child gets enough physical activity and exercise. This helps develop not only motor skills, but executive function skills too!

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